On : My Thoughts Explained
More about Solving the Problem of Evil
There has been unending debates about the problem of the evil and how it came about. These arguments have not yet yielded effective results as most theists have not been able to settle on concrete answers. Solving the problems of pain according to the word of God is possible through adhering to the Bible. God is omnipresent and his presence is always here with us. Most Christians believe that solving the problem of evil is achievable through reading the word God. Inheriting the kingdom of God will require lots of preparation and more so the word of God. Believers and non-believers will also require to have their hearts prepared enough to get to inherit the kingdom of God. The process of inheriting the kingdom of God is not easy if you are not a believer of God word. You will need to trust that Christ came to save humankind and inheriting God kingdom is a matter of believing and trusting the word of God.
After you have been converted to a believer, there are high chances of becoming a kingdom inheritor and you being prepared for the blessed world. The king will also bless those people he call the children of God and will give them a chance to stay at the right hand of the Father. This is where the foundation of the world and the blessing of all nations will take place. After you become a taunt believer, the rest in terms of inheriting Gods kingdom will flow gradually. The judgment day will also determine the people will inherit Gods kingdom and will make the believers the Gods children. You will also be a down to earth person and make the word of God dwells in your heart to inherit the kingdom of God. The news about the sheep and goats is all what every believer should understand and keep in their hearts. This will mean that for one to inherit Gods kingdom they have to be converted to believers or the goats and not the sheep who are the nonbelievers.
Everlasting kingdom is only prepared to those people who believe in Gods word and have put the word in their hearts. Non-believers who also have no space for the Gods word will inherit God’s kingdom unless everything concerning their faith change. The righteous will inherit the God word and will be part and parcel of the kingdom. Those who fail to honor and trust the word will be wailing and gnashing their teeth outside in the furnace of fire. This is all what the end time news is all about. All people who are righteous and are obedient to God word will be called the Sons of God and will shine in the Kingdom of the Most High. Then the good news continues to state that those who have ears to believe and here the good news to have them inherit the God’s kingdom. Every believer and non-believer will face the judgment and they will get to be judged accordingly.